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Contact us via the Parish Clerk:

Kerry Harris 


01328 822583

89 The Street, Barney, NR21 0AD

The Villages of Stody & Hunworth


Stody and Hunworth are both villages and civil parishes in North Norfolk. They fall within the auspices of North Norfolk District Council.

Stody with Hunworth PC


The Parish Council is made up of members who all live in Stody or Hunworth and represent the village on various matters.  We are effectively the third tier of local government, the other two being Norfolk County Council and North Norfolk District Council.

What We Do

The Parish Council is responsible for:

  • commenting on planning applications

  • the village greens

  • the village notice board

  • maintaining Stody & Hunworth Commons

  • general maintenance around the village

  • Reporting Highways issues

News and Information

Parish Council Meeting

The next planned Parish Council meetings will take place on Mondays 2nd September and 2nd December at Hunworth and Stody Village Hall and will start at 7pm.


 Hunworth Bell Pub

Minutes of Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting - 8th July 2024

Statement made by Chair of the Parish Council 20th June 2024 


Statement made 25th May 2024 by the Stody Estate


Proposed Telecoms Mast in Hunworth, 2023

Clarkes Telecom have withdrawn their interest in installing a Telecoms Mast in Hunworth

Finance - 2023-2024

As the receipts and payments of the Parish Council are under the £25,000 threshold, it has declared itself exempt from external audit in 2023-24. All the audit documents can be found on the Documents page.

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